Ankara, Türkiye


Mobile First Aid Vehicle

Mobile Command Center

Mobile First Aid Vehicle

Mobile health vehicles are specialized vehicles used for health screenings and are also referred to as OSGB mobile health vehicles or Mobile Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) vehicles.

Mobile health vehicles are specialized vehicles used for health screenings and are also referred to as OSGB mobile health vehicles or Mobile Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) vehicles. Designed according to customer demands, these vehicles bring essential healthcare services directly to people's doorsteps.

Mobile first aid vehicles typically have the following features:

Emergency Medical Equipment:

  • First Aid Kits: Bandages, dressings, antiseptics, and other essential medical supplies for treating injuries.
  • Emergency Medical Devices: Oxygen tanks, CPR equipment, automated external defibrillators (AED), and other devices for emergency care.
  • Monitors: Devices that monitor heart rate, oxygen levels, and blood pressure.


Medical Personnel:

  • Emergency Medical Specialists: Paramedics, ambulance technicians, and health professionals who provide emergency interventions.
  • First Response Team: Doctors, nurses, or other healthcare staff who perform initial medical care.


Communication Systems:

  • Radio and Satellite Phones: Communication devices for connecting with central hospitals or health stations and sending help to remote areas.
  • Mobile Connectivity: Mobile internet or satellite connections within the vehicle to facilitate fast data transmission.


Transport and Comfort:

  • Stretchers and Beds: Stretchers or portable beds to safely transport patients in emergency situations.
  • Compact and Functional Spaces: The interior of the vehicle is designed to provide enough space for medical equipment and personnel.


Energy and Water Supply:

  • Generators and Solar Panels: Generators or solar panels are used to meet the electrical needs of the vehicle.
  • Water Storage Systems: Clean water supply for first aid applications.
